An effective business-to-IT ( B2IT) collaboration on requirements that can be achieved within the expected time and budget can help ensure success. 如果在预期的时间和预算内,可以完成有关需求的有效业务-IT(B2IT)协作,则可以帮助确保项目的成功。
An aggressive service-invocation timer is set to the reasonable expected response time of the service, with some consideration for transient delays. 主动型服务调用计时器设置为服务合理的预期响应时间,并对传输延迟予以一定的考虑。
ARFM continues to profile the gold traffic and increase the expected service time due to the higher actual service times it is now seeing. ARFM分析gold请求流,由于它现在看到的实际服务时间增加了,它会提高预期服务时间。
Detect that an important shipment has not arrived at its expected destination in the expected time. 检测重要的货物没有在预期的时间达到预期的目的地。
The resource manager should have full visibility into the availability of consultants during the expected time frame of the project. 资源经理必须全面了解项目的预计时间框架内咨询师的可用状况。
Set benchmarks, comparing expected time versus actual time for a specific number of tests. 设置基准,以对比特定数量的测试的期望的时间和实际的时间。
The results show an expected higher time spent looking for non-primes rather than primes. 结果表明,寻找非素数花费的时间远远高于寻找素数的时间。
A ruling is expected some time before June 23, when his detention order expires. 预计裁决将在6月23日陈水扁的羁留令到期之前做出。
Given rapidly rising longevity in Asia, the expected time men will spend in retirement in many emerging countries is 20.3 years, two years longer than in the West. 鉴于亚洲人的寿命迅速增加,预计许多新兴国家中的人可以享受20.3年的退休生活,比西方高出两年。
It is well known that the expected hitting time is one of the fundamental parameters of random walks. 众所周知,平均击中时间是随机游动的一个最基本参数之一。
The level cap in the next expansion will be slightly lower than expected this time around; 第水平在未来的扩大将略低于预期围绕这一时间;
Make sure the team goals and the expected time frame of the team's performance are clear. 确保团队的目标和团队所期望的工作进度清楚明白。
The result shows that the crane's expected travel time can be reduced by the algorithm in different conditions. 仿真结果表明在不同情况下,该算法都可不同程度地减少堆垛机的平均行程时间。
The good deed you do today may benefit you or someone you love at the least expected time. 你今天所做的善事也许会在最不指望的时光回报你或者你所爱的别人。
An expected time to live as calculated on the basis of statistical probabilities. 根据统计几率计算出来的预期的生命长度。
Uncommonly early or before the expected time. 不同寻常的早或者在期望的时间之前。
We obtain some results about the ruin probability and the expected life time of insurance company, which generalize the relative results in ruin model with no investment factor. 本文提出并讨论了含投资因素、红利分配因素的崩溃模型,得出了关于崩溃概率、保险公司的期望寿命的结论,这些结论推广了没有考虑投资因素的崩溃模型的相关结论。
Expected time of arrival at worksite per item. 每个物件到达工地的预期时间。
At or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events or before the usual or expected time. 处在或者靠近一段时间、事情发展的开始阶段,在通常的或者期望的时间之前。
Expected time of departure 预计开航时间预计离开时间
BudgetA forecast of expenses expected some time in the future. 预算用于将来某个时期的预计费用。
The output of controller can report the fault at the expected time. 利用控制器的输出能够准确及时地报告系统故障的发生。
The experiences tell us that the perfect network does not exit, however we can increase the difficulty of attack so that hackers have to give up without breaking into the system after their expected time. 做到绝对安全的网络是不存在的,能做到的是:尽可能增大黑客或病毒的攻击难度,使其不能在预期时间内攻破系统而选择放弃;
An optimal expected time search algorithm for ray tracing 光线跟踪的最佳期望时间搜索算法
The experiments show that the expected time of the algorithm is O ( n). 实测结果表明,该算法的时间复杂度接近于O(n)。
This involves keeping the height of the smoke layer above the highest level of occupancy for a defined period of time, longer than the expected time to evacuate the building. 这就要求在规定的逃生时间内,保证烟气层存在于规定的逃生安全高度以上。
In the light of the relation between the expected time re-sponse and the location of poles, the author makes a selection of the optimal pole Placement and an estimate of the weight coefficient by parts. 根据预期时间响应与极点位置的关系,本文给出最优极点配置的选择与分部权系数的估计。
Product development is one of key links to auto enterprises 'core competitiveness, while product development implement smoothly depends largely on whether product development process could control node in accordance with expected time. 产品开发是汽车企业取得核心竞争力的关键环节之一,而产品开发能否顺利实施很大程度上取决于产品开发的流程是否按照预期规划的时间控制节点实施。
If the delay in the site is happened, the algorithm will adaptively adjust the difference between the actual time and expected time. 如果各站点产生延误,算法将自适应地调整实际时间与预期时间差。